Before you come
Make sure that each member of your group (and your relatives, in case of an emergency) has the address, the telephone number and directions to your cottage. There is a map of the sector where the cottages are found on our website. The members of your group can take an online tour of the cottage that you booked on our website at Please send them this link.
When you get here
Pick up your keys at 369 du Hibou, Stoneham G3C 1S3.
The check-in is for 17h00 and the check-out for 11h00. However if the chalet is ready the day of your check-in, you will have the possibility to arrive earlier. This is a privilege with no extra costs. Please, communicate with us by e-mail or phone the day before your arrival and we will give you the information.
Call us or e-mail us at [email protected] with the address of your cottage and your arrival date. We will send you your check-in time.
Check-in times cannot be advanced during the holidays, spring break, Easter and Thanksgiving.
Key drop-off and security deposit
When you check in, a $1500.00 maximum reimbursable security deposit will be charged to your credit card, so make sure that you have enough funds to cover it. If another member of your group will be checking in ahead of you, this person must agree to take responsibility as co-signer of the contract and must pay the security deposit before we hand over the keys. The credit cardholder who pays the security deposit must be at least 21 years old and has to be present for the transaction. We cannot take any security deposit payments by phone.
When you leave
You must check out before 11 a.m. and drop off the keys at 369 du Hibou.
You must notify us of any damages or malfunction in your unit as soon as possible.
Before you check out, please give us your comments on your Chalets Alpins experience. Because we are always working to improve our vacation property rental service, we would like to hear your suggestions.
Upkeep during your stay and before you leave
During your stay, cottage upkeep is the responsibility of your group.
Please check the following before you leave:
- Leave all dirty towels and linens near the washer.
- Do not remake beds that have been slept in.
- Empty and clean the refrigerator.
- Clean the BBQ.
- Leave any broken or impossible to clean items on the kitchen counter.
- Collect all trash and recycling and deposit it in the outside bins.
- Do not put fireplace ashes in with the trash.
- Vacuum the floor.
- Wash the dishes, fill and run the dishwasher.
- Do not throw the plastic packaging of household products supplied by *Les Chalets Alpins* (We reuse them).
A few important reminders
Please notify us if something is not working properly or if you are having any trouble with your unit. We will do everything possible to find a solution. We want to make sure you are comfortable.
It is strictly prohibited to:
- Make excessive noise that bothers your neighbors at all times; this regulation is enforced by a security guard and a curfew is effective by midnight. You can call the security guard at 418-564-7057. A 250$ fine will be kept on your guarantee deposit for a non-respect of our curfew if the security officer has to interfere.
- Take glass containers outside the cottage.
- Move the pool table.
- Unplug or modify any electronic appliance or connection.
- Move the furniture or electronic appliances in the cottage.
- Smoke inside the building.
- Park on the street. Caravans are not allowed in the parking.
- Allow animals inside and outside the cottage.
- Drive faster than 20 Km/H.
Towels and linens
Enough sheets, blankets, pillows, bath towels, hand towels and washcloths are provided for the number of occupants the cottage can sleep.
If your unit comes with a hot tub, remember to bring extra bath towels.
Cleaning products
Enough hand soap, dishwashing liquid, dishwasher and laundry detergent, toilet paper, green and white trash bags are provided for you to start out with.
These items will not be restocked during your stay. Depending on the number of people and the amount you use, you should plan to bring your own supplies.
The following items are not supplied:
- Bath soap
- Paper towels
Trash and Recycling
2 large wheeled bins are found in front of the cottage:
- Blue: recycling (paper, cardboard, glass, metal and plastic)
- Grey: everything else
Please comply with these color codes. If the bins are full, leave trash bags and other items next to the bins and notify us.
Telephone, cable and Internet
Most units have a telephone. Please use a calling card for long-distance calls. Internet is offered in all units.
Fireplace and firewood
In cottages equipped with a wood fireplace, a limited quantity of firewood is provided during the period between Thanksgiving and Easter Holiday inclusively. Please make moderate use of the fireplace.
Firewood is not provided in condos.
Most units are equipped with a gas BBQ. A propane tank is provided for your use. Please clean the BBQ after use.
If your cottage is equipped with a hot tub, be advised that the use of the hot tub is at your own risk. We are not liable for accidents.
Here are some rules for using the hot tub:
- Be careful, the area around the hot tub could be very icy and slippery; use it at your own risk.
- Do not stay in the hot tub more than 20 minutes at a time.
- Hot water enhances the effects of alcohol or medication and could cause fainting. Get out of the hot tub immediately if you feel uncomfortable or drowsy. Water attracts children; always replace the cover after use.
- During pregnancy, limit use of the hot tub to no more than 10 minutes.
- Before use, you must take a shower and wash with soap. Personal care products such as creams, makeup, suntan lotion, insecticides and deodorant affect water quality.
How to open the hot tub:
- Lay the metal bar on the cover of the hot tub.
- Fold the first half of the cover back on the second.
- Lift both sections together. The metal bar will hold up the cover.
- It takes two people to do this to avoid damaging the cover.
- Never put the cover on the ground.
- When you are finished, put the cover back in place to prevent cooling, evaporation and contamination of the water.
- Reset the water temperature to 100°F.
- The water in the hot tub was checked before your arrival. It’s up to you to keep it clean.
- Staff members will come to your cottage to check the condition of your hot tub every day.
- It is strictly prohibited to empty the hot tub, add chemical products or add water.
If your cottage is equipped with a sauna, a few basic rules are important to be followed
- Before using the sauna, take a hot shower, wash with soap and rinse well.
- Remove your watch, jewellery and glasses.
- Do not bring any reading material; the ink fumes could be toxic.
- Do not drink any alcoholic beverages.
- Sessions should last no more than 10 minutes followed by a cold shower and a 15-minute break.
- Always sit or lie down on a towel.
- We are not liable for accidents.
The sauna is dangerous for people with heart conditions. The sauna is not advised for people with impaired circulation, asthma, and respiratory disorders or for pregnant women.